These terms are subject to change as we constantly evaluate and assure the safety of our FanWagn community and members. These guidelines were last updated Mar 30, 2023. 

Our community guidelines address matters that we feel are important and enable a safe and trustworthy community. These guidelines address the following:

  • Harm
  • Hazardous conditions
  • Security
  • Theft/vandalism/extortion
  • Fraud
  • Discrimination/hate speech
  • Bullying/Harassment
  • Misrepresentations
  • Reporting Violations
  • Commitments

We value all community members and will not tolerate putting others in danger, endangering others, or committing any act that goes against our values to uphold a safe and trustworthy environment and community for our members.

Physical or sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, domestic violence, robbery, human trafficking, other acts of violence, or holding anyone against their will not be tolerated. Terrorists or members of organized criminal activity are not welcome in our community. Self-harm or threats of harm to others will also be taken seriously and investigated. FanWagn will work with law enforcement and respond to incidents as they arise.

Our community should not subject users to a hazardous chemicals or other material(s). We also condone any threat(s) to users or sellers concerning bad ratings or reviews in general, but certainly not for personal or other gain(s).

We ask you to respect the property of others, including information and personal belongings. We believe that others should treat and respect others as they wish to be treated and respected.

FanWagn does not tolerate fraudulent activity. You should not make transactions outside of FanWagn’s payments system or abuse the payment system in any way, including but not limited to money laundering or diverting payments.

We like rule followers and are huge supporters of equality. Our community should follow all applicable laws concerning ethnicity, national origin, race, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, disability, or diseases.

We do not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment and will thoroughly investigate all valid reports of this activity. We encourage all users/hosts to report all incidents.

We value honesty at FanWagn. This includes honest reporting of produt information, availability information, and the general nature of the listing itself. All hazards are to be disclosed. Fraudulent listing and/or information will not be tolerated.

Our community should not provide any false personal information, including inventory listing information. This includes, but is not limited to, disclosures about product quality, authenticity and fit on product listings. 

If you see someone violating these guidelines, please report it immediately. We take the safety and well-being of our community very seriously, and we rely on our users to help us maintain a positive and welcoming environment. If you see someone engaging in behavior that violates our guidelines, such as bullying or harassment, please report it to us immediately. You can do this by clicking the “Report” button next to the offending post or by contacting our customer support team. By reporting violations, you’ll help us keep FanWagn a safe and enjoyable place for all sports fans.

By following these guidelines, you’ll help us create a positive and welcoming community for all sports fans on FanWagn. Thank you for being a part of our community!